Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Our Class had a C.O.W!!!

The students got to experience our brand new C.O.W or "computers on wheels" cart last week. During the first few weeks of school many students have to take several tests to see where they fall academically. The third grade students used the new computers to take several of those tests. These computers will be used often in third grade this year and the students are very excited about that!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Twas The Night Before School Started...

Twas the night before school started
when all through the town
the parents were cheering
it was a riotous sound

By eight the kids were washed and tucked into bed
While memories of homework filled them with dread

New pencils, new folders,
new notebooks too, new teachers,
new friends, the anxiety grew.

The parents just giggled when they heard of this fright
and shouted upstairs